Schedule of Terms 2024-25

Schedule of Terms 2024-25

Ist Term Exam -April 2024 to Sept 2025

3rd April to 8th September Study Period
4th June to 9th July Summer Vacation
1st September to 8th September Oral Exam (I - V)
6th September to 8th September Oral / Practical Exam (VI - VIII)
11th September to 27th September Ist Term Exam


Final Term Exam - October 2024 to March 2025

6 October to 17th February Study Period
8th February to 17th February Oral Exam(I - V)
15th February to 17th February Oral/ Practical Exam (VI - VIII)
20th February to 9th March Final Term Exam
Nov to Dec  Sports Day
Annual Prize Distribution Function
Ist January to 10th January  Winter Break